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BY THEIR FRUITS YOU SHALL KNOW THEM (written by Helen Howell, 1969)

“By their fruits” they should have been recognized. All of our recent Popes have clearly defined and condemned all the errors prevalent in the Church today. Most that is being promulgated follows the plan and strategy, successfully used in other countries, to water us down in to the Nationalist church of the enemy.

When will we realize our warfare is with principalities and powers, a diabolical intellect far superior to man’s, satanically organized in a concerted effort to destroy God’s Church?
Satan has always quoted scripture when it suits his purpose, so of course he stressed the importance of the great central act of Catholic worship, our Holy Mass when he wishes to drop prayers and devotions, then nullifies its power with externals that cheapen, degrade and distract.

Our Catholic identity ceased on the first *Sunday of Advent 1969 when the “point of no return” was inaugurated – a regimented invasion of privacy wherein it is impossible to contemplate the divine mysteries of our Faith in union with God, WHICH IS A NECESSARY PRELIMINARY, if we would reap the abundant fruits of Holy Communion. It is like seeking an intimate conversation with a close friend but never getting more than a glimpse at regular social gatherings. “Then see Him afterward, at other times”, says the seducer, knowing full well his whole program has eliminated the fruits of Holy Communion that inspire the faithful, instead has given them, disappointment, frustration, disgust and that they will be more inclined to seek their consolation in his world of sensual pleasure.
The Sacred Rites of the Altar, the Holy of Holies, the intimate identity of Christ with His “other Christs”, which fostered that love and respect for our priests as such, now profaned, exhibited to the eyes of the curious for the contempt that familiarity breeds, all diabolically conceived to place the Celebrant in a position to obscure the throne of our Lord, a literal turning of his back on God, the sly insinuation that he is as God (Lucifer’s great crime).

“To Me, every knee shall bend”, says our Lord. When, anymore? The last Gospel dropped, proof of our Lord’s divinity. Externals, music, art, everything contrived to grate the finer sensibilities of man in his relationship to God, so beautifully expressing in the splendor of our traditional Mass.

He has all but perpetrated the perfect crime – the greatest denial and betrayal since Judas.

By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and the evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire.  Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them. Matthew 7:16

Written by Helen Howell

*  The first Sunday of Advent, November 30,1969,  the Novus Ordo Missae took effect.

LETTER TO SR. MARY TREA - 1965 by H. Howell

Letter to Sr. Mary Trea
My aunt, Helen's daughter was a Sinsinawan Dominican teaching nun. 
PHOTO - Jack Howell, Sr. Mary Trea, Helen Howell 


My Dear Daughter, 

...I have been thinking how very wonderfully I have been blessed in comparison to what other mothers who do have with problems in the family - either members outside of the Faith, or, particularly today, many separated by Liberalism which divides and splits. This was particularly noticed at the (Wanderer) Forum with the different ones I met - all conservatives, but many members of their families were not; even husbands and wives at opposite poles. Have decided this is too rare a blessing to go unheeded. It constitutes my complete moral foundation. It deserves my undivided attention and in the future it will be my main objective - as many prayers and good works as I can give for the good of all, with a closer union in contacts and whatever else I can do to help, particularly since you younger ones have all the energy to accomplish "great things for God". 

Have spoken out with all the information necessary for others. The Liberals can take care of themselves from here on out, they've received far more consideration that they ever give anyway. The moral foundation which is already established within our family unit IS the motivating force which will carry all of us successfully through these times, and that is where all my energy will be focused in the future. Hear! hear! and you've got it in writing!

Have been disturbed at times in giving you the truth concerning the Church and our country lest it interfere with your vocation, but am no longer concerned in that respect. Who knows from day to day what the will of God is for each and every one of us? How much I believed nothing would ever cease my activities as a Legionary (of Mary) , outside of physical inability, and yet the road since has been the most unexpected, heartrending, and fantastic of anything that I would ever have imagined. No, I can certainly leave that matter entirely in the good Lord's hands. I am accountable for truth only. The results may mean added hardships for you, but truth has always been in the minority, it is never the popular road, and I can only hope by my prayers, correspondence, contacts whenever possible to help in whatever way morally is necessary to continue on your path to holiness, which is the only goal for any of us. 

I like to talk big, and me thinks I have fooled myself when I say I am entirely detached because I find I am NOT AT ALL in regard to my family. This is my whole moral footing to see all of you doing so much for the honor and glory of God. This is the greatest. It is the real strength of unity so necessary to continue in the great challenge of this present day living. Perhaps I have never quite realized all the blessings that have been mine; have always been too careless about charity beginning at home. That was too true as a Legionary, I know, and now I am brought up short again. Well, never too late to do something about it, I hope; maybe the Blessed Mother did want those few seeds I have planted in the past to get out before she gave me this insight now, but then I never can differentiate too well between what is inspired and what is self-assertion, but am most suspicious of the latter. Anyway, it was grand having you home, and hope, before school starts, you will benefit much in getting set for the year ahead of you.   

Love and prayers always, 

LETTER TO FAMILY - 1965 by H. Howell

Years ago when I was caught up in the hectic pace of Christmas, I regretted I could not live more intimately the spirit of Advent, for the true meaning of this holy season. It is possible now, and has been these last few years, for a richness that so obscures the false glitter that has replaced sanctity. The world around me has become the most unreal and undesirable. 

If I were foolish enough to listen to all the news reports, the rising crime rate in this area, and of course all must be reported most vividly, I would no doubt suffer the same tension and apprehension that seems to dominate most lives. 

I’m sure that is the longest sentence of all my two long ones; in fact, I noticed the beginning one isn’t any shorter. Guess that’s why nobody knows what I’m writing about. By the time they reach the end of the sentence, they can’t recall the subject at the beginning. It’s not limited to just my writing, to be other worldly-wise in eternity, priorities; it is to speak and think differently than others, a natural or maybe  supernatural result of the great mercy of God as we grow older and He helps us to become detached from the passing things of this world. 

There is always a generation gap. Age can better understand youth having experienced that period, but it is surprising how few do. But there are not many that lean on the Blessed Mother for everything, the instruction and guidance she gives that signifies the will and pleasure of her Divine Son. It is never the self love that likes to believe erroneously it is doing God‘s will, our worst enemy, but poses as our dearest friend. If we could always remember to direct our concern from self to God and His Mother, their honor and glory, how simple life would become as it is meant to be. End of sermon, for myself mostly!

Written by Helen Howell (1965)

TV SURVEY - 1965 by H. Howell

The following is Helen Howell’s  written response when she was asked to participate in a TV survey back in 1965.

“ For those of us who “keep up on our homework” in spite of the “boob tube”, we know the liberal establishment is in complete control of all communications media.

A survey will disclose only one important fact to them: how well have they succeeded in brainwashing, manipulating, demoralizing, and tranquilizing the American people into complete submission?

Our country is no longer governed “by the people, for the people“ and TV edition has done more to hypnotize a once free people into apathy and complacency in a false sense of “peace and security“.

An instrument that could’ve done so much in preserving the American ideal, personal responsibility to God and neighbor, has been turned into a Frankenstein of horror with its deadly intent.

Dissenting voices have long ago been tabulated for future use, but we have no intention of adding our identity, another important feature of such a survey is yours.

“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty“.

Written by Helen Howell (1965)

IF I WERE THE DEVIL (1965) by Helen Howell

(with all due apologies to Paul Harvey)

With such fantastic success in deceiving Catholics, I would now evaluate and plan my strategy to ensnare those who call themselves “traditionalists”. The liberals are already serving me, so my efforts are free to concentrate on those who THINK they are immune against me.
“Divide and conquer” will be just as effective with them because too many DID listen to my lies. They thought that they had to delve into them to defend truth; they even repeated my “cliches” instead of their truths, all devised to shake firm convictions, “water them down” for compromise; how many “staunch” ones fell victims for that snare! And discussion I always urge – conflicting opinions, strife, contention, disagreement, even amusement and indulgence – what difference just as long as no one is HORRIFIED at my perpetrations! COMPROMISE! CONCESSIONS! Look at all I’ve gained! Anyone I can get to “shake hands with the ole’ devil” might as well concede victory now!

For those few who have remembered and believed God instead of me, I will have my vengeance. They will taste of the fury of Hell. They will be isolated and suffer the wrath and scorn of their former associates. Who, among traditionalists have not accepted my version of CHARITY – Offend God for love of neighbor (which is SIN, my specialty). And how I gloat at this success. Who is not mocking, defying, and even blaspheming Him for love of neighbor? FRATERNAL CHARITY – BROTHERHOOD at all costs especially to God Himself. Who would DARE offend neighbor for love of God which is so stigmatized by me? Yes, that has been my most successful ruse – FEAR OF HUMAN RESPECT – MY charity which convinces the “offended neighbor” you are being attacked personally, go up in arms, how dare they! -- anything to keep them from seeing my evils!
And for those who would DARE try to remind others of what is most pleasing to God or that Mother of His, whom I hate most – no one believes me once they turn to Her – I will see to it there is raised the usual hue and cry of UNCHARITABLENESS. Most have been convinced BY ME that their actions ONLY will defeat me, into which I inject that pride of accomplishment, personal glory, frenzied activity that allows no time whatever to think about God. Of course, I always mix good with my evil. I don’t discourage prayer entirely, just enough to keep them complacently comfortable, that they are “good enough”; God certainly wouldn’t expect more when they are WORKING so hard for Him! These are the ones who can serve me now - by rejecting completely any message that would encourage them to put on the COMPLETE ARMOR OF GOD! At all costs, this must not be. It would spell my defeat. There are so few who believe in it any more – it shouldn’t be too difficult – but let that message spread – AND I AM DOOMED!
Sure, I know truth, and at Calvary was almost defeated in complete despondency that I could ever ensnare Catholics who had been given so much protection against me; but down through the centuries, have been amazed at how much they prefer my version of the gospel to that of God’s. Today my success is all but realized even though I know that WOMAN, will crush me in the end, look at the harvest of souls that are mine now with more promised in the future if I just keep them believing EVERYTHING is more important than God.
Yes, if I were the Devil, I’d keep right on doing just what I'm doing.

Written by Helen Howell (1965)


GOMMAR A. De PAUW (11 October 1918 - 6 May 2005) was a traditionalist Catholic priest and founder of an organization that he called the Catholic Traditionalist Movement. 

Who and what are the forces behind the English Mass Texts and other radical new liturgical practices in the Roman Catholic Church? Devout Traditionalist Catholics demand an honest answer. Here it is.


AS PRINTED ON THE BACK OF THE RECORD LP JACKET: In the record trade, commentary on the reverse side of an album jacket is generally written by and signed by a person with an obvious intellectual or artistic relationship with the principal personality projected in the record. 

Frankly, I don't fit the description. I am not a Catholic, I have never even met the Reverend De Pauw. I've never been inside a Catholic church for purposes other than a wedding or a funeral...with the single exception of having recorded the Christmas midnight Mass at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, December 1944, when Latin was still in style.

Why, then, am I presumptuous enough to write these words of preface to Father De Pauw's epic defense of the Catholic Traditionalist posture? Because I see at work in the Catholic Church the same forces of evil which have already subverted some of the best of our Protestant churches.

Father De Pauw resents and detests what he terms "The Hootenanny Liturgy." He is offended by the egregious downgrading of the altar, the desecration of the statues and the rosary beads. So am I. For a conspiracy which damages any sincere religion inevitably must contribute to the decay of all faiths. 

A Belgian born U.S. citizen, Father De Pauw is descended from a long line of early American settlers, including Washington Charles De Pauw, for whom De Pauw University is named. Father De Pauw distinguished himself with participation in major battles of World War II. Since 1952, he has held the chair of Moral Theology and Canon Law at Mt. St. Mary's Seminary in Maryland. 

If you're a hi-fi buff, please don't become unglued when you hear extraneous thumping sounds in the background of the speech. Father De Pauw is an enthusiastic man. Sometimes he expressed himself not only vocally, but with some resolute hard-banging on the lectern as well. I'm all for it. 

Father De Pauw will  prove to you that the vernacularized Liturgy is not subscribed to by His Holiness Pope Paul VI. He will show you how and why it is essentially a wedge, designed to set the precedent for more drastic changes. 

Again, I am not Catholic, but my own faith has found renewed vigor and dedication in the wise words of this great priest. 

      VICK KNIGHT,  Composer

Born: August 5, 1908 in Moundsville, West Virginia, USA
Died: May 17, 1984 (age 75) in Los Angeles, California, USA


Dear Friends,

Most informed Catholics, like yourselves, have to keep in view the total picture in the struggle today. My only concern has been the Church, a picture that was just as clear at the very beginning of these changes; it only come into sharper focus with each passing day.
The greatest danger to Catholics living in a country where the predominant atmosphere was a constant threat to their Faith, few could escape its rationalizing, popular opinion and few have done so in one degree or another. Few are looking at things completely with the eyes of Faith; few have been in a position to keep this vision pure.
Convinced converts are better armed, we know these liberal errors because too many years were spent wallowing in them. We paid the price that is demanded in acceptance of Truth, and therein lies the difference. This is the measure of our love for our Holy Faith that makes us so zealous in defending it which many of us have been doing all along in sharing it with others; but for the most part, found it was a case of upholding it to Catholics themselves which today has expanded considerably but with a greater penalty in that we are viewed now as not being “Catholic minded” – we have “lost the Faith”.
For some of us it was the Pearl of Great Price”; it was an insatiable “thirst” for naught else and we eliminated all things that would tarnish or destroy it – secular reading material in any form, all unnecessary social contacts and curiosity that was deemed a waste of time when such an inexhaustible treasure remained to be explored in its every depth. Dependence upon a hearing device was a further heavenly protection which was used more to “tune out” the world, the flesh and the Devil, particularly his most deadly too, the “boob tube” in the living room. And I find now that as things become progressively worse in the Church, so does my hearing. You have no idea of what one is spared with a flick of a switch.
This vigilance is even more important today when the Catholic press in general has become tainted. All have been eliminated when found to contain liberal articles which include many favorites of the past, but it does give ample room and clear vision of the Wanderer at all times. This protection is important for other members of the family, visitors, but paramount is the burning desire to preserve the dignity and reverence for my Holy Faith intact within my own home. This is one liberty that has not been violated – yet. There is a dignity and nobility in suffering “darts and slings” in upholding Truth. The abasement endured today with the spectacle of appeasement that merits nothing but the scorn of others, as all groveling does, cuts deeper in a shame that is unclean, unwholesome, a defilement of the purity and Holiness of God.
This is the deep affliction of those who truly love their Holy Faith, but like all suffering endured in union with our Mother who knows the way so well, it brings enlightenment, the wisdom of the cross, a greater love for the cross, to participate more deeply by immersing our sorrows in Theirs; to feel keenly the indignities again suffered by Them by an ungrateful people, to share that “thirst” for souls that constituted Their greatest agony. It is still a convert’s zeal that compels one to share this knowledge with others, that same yearning that all know, love and appreciate the great treasures of our Holy Catholic Faith. “It behooves watchdogs to bark” – I Howl (my feeble jest)
Sincerely in Christ through Mary, 
Helen Howell


How cleverly Satan has exploited the misconceptions that exist in the minds of Catholics concerning their Protestant neighbors, thus overlooking the wide chasm that does separate us. In magnifying non-essentials, such as scripture quoting, the biggest bluff that has always been used in recruiting Catholics, we hear much of Bible Vigils, which implies of course that we are more deficient in that respect than they.
Catholics have always been encouraged to read the Bible, contrary to their usual accusations. Any Catholic who attends Mass regularly, attentively and interestedly, is far better instructed in the Bible than a Protestant. Their knowledge of Old Testament stories may be greater (but only in that category) because this is stressed more than the contents of the New Testament. Right of private interpretation is always claimed, which gives rise, of course, to the many sects.
What do they really prove? Exercise of memory, literal translations, overlooking the deep things of God contained, the prophecies and real “meat” and wealth which is given in our interpretations, both traditionally and scripturally. They insist on answers, reject mystery, miracles, and many have for long promoted much of what we are hearing today in refuting these things. This is a conceit of knowledge only, has nothing to do with spirituality, a personal God, or salvation, and even your best Protestants, these who are sincere, are left barren in comparison with the richness of truth which we possess.
A Protestant will invariably seek that Catholic who is weak in his faith to overcome him with this age old weapon, but let that Catholic become deeply rested in truth, and that same Protestant will avoid any discussion of religion with the plea he doesn’t want an argument. What he really means is, he knows that he can’t win it.
But for these outsiders honestly interested with their questions of the faithful, it is a deplorable fact that Catholics too often saw only a personal affront, exposing touchiness and suspicion, a lack of conviction, but mostly a feeble love of God, His Truths and the only real charity for neighbor.
This is the true picture of the barriers that did exist, mostly of a Catholic’s own making – their compromise rather than be different, the desire to be accepted, popular; envy of a Protestant easier way of life, all of which Satan could easily distort in the false ecumenism of today. But we are far less able to cope with the real challenge; the solid ground of faith needed, with the watering down that is given us, victims rather of all the errors around which are given pride of priority, even primacy of eternal truths.
This MYTH of Protestant superiority is best understood by these who once believed it –the converts who look back with shame at their stupidity, ignorance and insufferable pride, the blindness of conceit that rarely admits God and His Truths. This is the “mea culpa” of our past, all freely admitted, but we never brag about it with a yen or nostalgia for something that constitutes our most painful memories. Perhaps that is why our suffering is so keen – we don’t like to see our past reviewed so realistically, all the follies, the deceits, the complete emptiness and hollowness of a mere existence. We know all about the “meeting places” without God’s presence, the self-glorification of a social gospel, the plain altars that looked more like tables, the vagueness of God’s Commandments, the lengthy sermons that said little about Him, the brotherhood that noted who was there, what they wore, the handshaking, visiting in church with one another, a departure of “feeling good”, a sentiment aroused by contact with others, a most noble sense of self-satisfaction that for one Sunday at least we attended church, but God certainly received the scantiest consideration of all.
This is the mess of pottage that is Protestantism - mere husks – no wonder we writhe in agony and protest: “They who had led us into captivity require of us the words of songs.” At least Protestant hymns are noted for more beauty than that which we are given now. “Lead Kindly Light” could be profitably used, written by Cardinal Newman, poignant in its plea for truth before his conversion – we need it now to find our way back.



I have received the first copy of Immaculate Heart Crusader, and though it contained excellent articles, like most Catholic periodicals today, you included two liberal ones which are not acceptable to traditional Catholics, who like the good woman mentioned “is going to hang on to the Church that she joined 25 years ago”.

For myself, it has been 24 years. Converts particularly underwent a great deal of anguish in total capitulation, the prerequisite of the Catholic stand that is absolute. One is either Catholic all in all, or not at all. Nothing can change it nor has the Council done so, but the popular news media, including most of the Catholic press, has distorted everything in a misrepresentation that few bother to check.

Mary is also Queen of Militants (a word most repugnant to the Liberals who castigate all forms of extremism) but few there are, even among her devotees who fearlessly uphold the Honor and Glory of God and Eternal Truth for which Her Son died. How quickly the word “obedience” is injected in every liberal article to force conformity to their will, and yet they are defying the authority of the Council and Rome with innovations to destroy the Church perpetrated by the “wolves” within.

The True Church is already silenced and underground – the traditional voices harassed, ignored and stigmatized by the liberal segment, many more than what they have led others to believe. They are being raised, organized for the mutual support of one another and now we do have the leadership of informed priests who do not hesitate to brand liberalism for the heresy it is.

The subscription list sent you were those of my family. We stand united traditionally because as a Catholic parent I taught them as a Catholic we are different, that we had to dare to be different even among our own for the edification of those all around us; and that is exactly what we are doing today. We are Catholic. We are different, uncompromising when all about us is appeasement, refutation of truth, and distortion of our Holy Faith. We have no intention of selling our Birthright for a mass of liberal pottage. When Catholic periodicals fail to be Catholic all in all, they are not upholding their mission as the voice of the True Church and are just as disappointing and unacceptable as all other “strange noises” within the visible form presented today.

Even your editorial on “Tolerance”, which is true in that no devotion can be forced, even to God Himself. Religion is caught, not taught, but it is a word that is gaining momentum in its implications and smacks of the complacency that is festered by the Devil instead of the Christian concept of working out our salvation in “fear and trembling”. It ignores the Devil’s activity in discouraging devotion to Mary, thus making souls more accessible to his guiles and eventual enslavement. Her exemplary position was assigned by God Himself for the protection and salvation of all men, the fountain of all His mercy and love. Much of what Catholics misinterpret as devotion to Mary is nothing more than Satan’s distortion for their ruination. To serve Mary faithfully, one has to combat her strongest adversary, the Devil, whom she does know and understand and also imparts to those who are loyal to her. And this is the crux of the situation today. We are shaking hands with the Devil rather than resisting him with the Invincible Weapon of Truth.

Traditionally yours, Helen Howell


LOVE (THE UNION OF HEART, SOUL, AND MIND) IS THE ONLY YARDSTICK necessary to judge all things correctly -the "fruits" of hirelings, wolves, and false shepherds. We know our Divine Shepherd's Voice, the LANGUAGE OF LOVE that cannot be deceived! It is SIMPLE FAITH as He meant it to be, a language without words, the solitude of Nazareth, the center of which is the Adorable Species, the Holy Sacrament of the Altar which we can preserve within our hearts for all the plenitude of its riches when God's Holy Will decrees that course! He can and does give abundantly to those who still BELIEVE in His Omnipotence, united in heart and will, with no other desire but His Honor and Glory even though we cannot always understand incidentals of the tests He is giving us. Our Blessed Lord foresaw and lamented the lack of faith that BELIEVES in spite of evidence to the contrary, shaken because we allowed the first temptation of Satan instead of giving him the contempt he deserves. 

A weak faith is easily scandalized. When we love, we do not doubt! To read past history of our popes is a test in itself. The scandal is not of God,  but the enormous evil which He does allow for our good if we take advantage of every opportunity to grow in His love, clinging more tightly to Him and His Mother for all that is necessary in any battle. If we kept our eyes on them instead of self how differently would be our perspective. The Master teaches in the school of sorrow. We learn in union with Mary at the foot of the cross the price of love. He died for us but asks so little in return for a proof of our own - our hearts, our mind, our will. WE don't realize how much or self love opposes Him. That is why he has to force what we are not willing to give on our own. Like Job we can reach that total abandonment - "Even though He slay me, yet will I trust Him". Perfect rust never entertains doubt. Truth triumphs as the senses recede. How much has not Satan's contradiction of "we must understand"contaminated us. Our Lord said "BELIEVE for the faith that is firm, immovable as a rock! Circumstances today are just that to build this firm edifice. 

We fear the wrong things. Self is the deadliest of enemies but poses as our dearest friend - the human spirit that "blinds" us in our own conceit. Love of faith embraces all truths in a whole. Obedience was loved as much as all our other treasures, the loss of which caused the greatest pain and suffering, the fear and trembling of a responsibility in interpreting rightly God's will when we no longer had this anchor to safely guide us. 

"Even the elect will be deceived" is a frightful warning with evidence all around us. We can so easily be misled through an attitude of "non serviam" that becomes a defiance and ends in obstinancy of will. The fear of God that protects us from ourselves is the self knowledge and conviction of our nothingness, our total dependence upon His graces and mercy that "trembles" at our own weaknesses and infidelities, pleading constantly for His help or the strength and wisdom to remain true to Him and our Holy Catholic Faith within its proper structure as instituted by Him.

To have experienced this danger, that of being deceived into an organization outside of the truth faith, has deepened this awareness of a peril most to be feared, that of schism. 

Father Grau who lived in times similar to ours, died in exile, wrote: "As regards those who at the sight of the scandals which reign in the fear either for her or for themselves, I say: their faith is weak and they are but little instructed in the events of previous centuries, if they are shaken by the events before their eyes. Have they forgotten the assurances given to His Church by Jesus Christ Himself, that the gates of hell shall never prevail against her, and the promise which He made to her pastors, to be with them even to the consummation of the world? Do they not know that the Church was born amidst the most terrible persecutions and that she grew by their very means was so cruelly persecuted St. Athanasius and the other defenders of the divinity of the Word, there has perhaps never been a century which has not offered the respectable, in the episcopal body, both of great virtues and of great vices, the murmurs of such souls and to reassure their wavering faith, I will bid them attend to Calvary. Who is He whom they see thus fixed to a cross as a blasphemer? Who are they who condemned Him to so infamous a death? Are they no the Pontiffs, the High Priests, the Doctors of the Law - in a word the Synagogue, which at that time represented, and indeed was, the Church among the Jews? Are they not those who sat upon the chair of Moses, and whose doctrine had been canonized by Jesus Christ Himself when He said to the people: "Do all that they tell you, but do not what they do"? And it was by this enormous scandal, by this Deicide, that was wrought the redemption of the human race. After this, is there anything with the power to shake our Faith?"

How can we, who know the importance of prayer and reparation in atonement for the offences against our Blessed Lord, fall victim to Satan's snare of rejecting the Holy Father? (Pope Paul VI) The general rebellion against him is the most serious consideration of reparation. Love knows that whosoever honors and love him honors our Lord, and by this filial love enraptures His Heart.

We need to deepen our truths for the loyalty of LOVE That conquers. Pick up any former book on the faith and see what is expected of us as Catholic in all trust, hope and confidence, the consoling doctrines of our belief: 

Faith of our Fathers: "The Pope in every age, like his Divine Master, has his period of persecution and his period of peace. Like Him, he has his days of sorrow and his days of joy, his days of humiliation and death, his days of exaltation and glory. Like Jesus Christ, he is one day greeted with acclamations as King, and another day crucified by his enemies." 

"But never does the Holy Father exhibit his title as Vicar of Christ more strikingly than in the midst of tribulations. If he did not suffer, he would bear no resemblance to his Divine Model and Master, and never does he more worthily deserve the filial homage of his children that when he is heavily laden with the cross!" 

Father Faber expressed our need of triumph: "We are vowed by the dominance of heresy. It tarnishes our faith. It chills our love. It chokes, checks us, and galls us, and unmans, us, at almost every turn. No on comes quite unscathed out of the trial,  least of all, those who think they do and have no fear." 

We need the SPIRIT of faith, the adoration that acknowledges the dominion of evil nowhere, nowhere leaves the devil to himself or in possession, withdraws from no ground, but everywhere plants Gd's banner, and everywhere makes open acknowledgement of His universal sovereignty. A mind, ever brooding on God, saturated with the thought of God, and tho whose reasons God is the swift conclusion of all premises, has a science of its own and is a power on earth to which neither rank nor genius may compare. They must like and dislike, unerringly, they know nothing, and yet the future will show that God's glory was concerned, and that they judged as love and truth and clear light would have had them judge.

Faith of our Fathers: "God estimates men not by their numbers, but by their intrinsic worth. It is no credit to us to belong to the body of the Church Catholic if we are not united to the soul of the Church by a life of faith, hope and charity. It will avail us nothing to be citizens of the Kingdom of Christ which encircles the globe, unless the Kingdom of God is within us by the reign of the Holy Spirit in our hearts."

"The Holy Father may live and die in the catacombs, as the early Pontiffs did for the first three centuries. He may be dragged from His See and perish in exile, like the Martins, the Gregories, and the Piuses. He may wander a penniless pilgrim, like Peter himself. Rome itself may sink beneath the Mediterranean,  but the Chair of Peter will stand, and Peter will live in his successors." 

Written by Helen Howell (1966)

Faith of our Father by Rev. Frederick William Faber

Based on Hebrews 11:6
Rev. Frederick W. Faber
Photo Credit: Henry Hering

Faith of our Fathers! Holy Faith!
We will be true to thee till death.

Our Fathers, chained in prisons dark,
Were still in heart and conscience free:
How sweet would be their children's fate,
If they, like them, could die for thee!

Faith of our Fathers! Holy Faith!
We will be true to thee till death.

Faith of our Fathers! Mary's prayers
Shall win our country back to thee:
And through the truth that comes from God
England shall then indeed be free.

Faith of our Fathers! Holy Faith!
We will be true to thee till death.

Faith of our Fathers! we will love
Both friend and foe in all our strife:
And preach thee too, as love knows how
By kindly words and virtuous life:

Faith of our Fathers! Holy Faith!
We will be true to thee till death.[5]

BISHOP FULTON J. SHEEN (1966) by H. Howell

Dear Family, 

Today I received the records of Bishop Sheen which is a complete course on the Faith -- the best investment I've ever made - 50 1/2 hour talks in all. He uses this method in instructing though am surprised, as Bishop, that he would be doing so -- perhaps in self-defense (from the things he says, he is besieged with everybody and their problems -- evidently he turns no one down.)  

He tells of a woman calling that her brother was dying, a fallen- away for many years, who had lived an evil life, real evil that destroys good; asked the Bishop to go; many priests had been there to no avail. As he says, his first visit lasted about 15 seconds --"Get out!" - but he went back for 40 nights, adding a few seconds on each successive call. On the 40th night he took the Sacrament and oils, told the man he would die that night and asked him to make his peace with God. When told to get out, he asked him if he meant Our Lord too - "Yes". Bishop Sheen knelt in prayer and promised Our Lord a chapel in the poor southern part of the country if He would bestow His grace on the man, and before he left he asked the man to say "Jesus, have mercy." before he died; left word with the nurse to call him. She did at four in the morning to say he had died and being questioned about his disposition, she told him, shortly after he left, he started saying what the Bishop had asked him to and continued until he died. 

Wonder if Bishop Sheen is given more powers from above than the average - reading souls-- tells of a young girl becoming hysterical when she reached his instruction on confession. The Bishop said to her: You know, I think you have had an abortion." - her relief that it was finally out, no longer a burden to her. 

If anyone's life story would sound stranger than fiction, it would be his. The woman in France, Catholic, who was married to an atheist publisher who attacked the Faith in all his writing and efforts. She asked God for the sufferings necessary to buy his soul. Before she died she told her husband he would become a Dominican priest, which was repeated in her will --that she had bought and paid for his soul -- of course he scoffed. Later in his travels he stopped at Lourdes (which he had attacked many times, to prove his skepticism, was given the gift of Faith completely with absolutely no doubt of any kind. He did become a Dominican priest, was a retreat master that Bishop Sheen had in France several years ago, heard the story from the priest himself. 

Bishop Sheen doesn't resort to the humor that he used in his TV talks, but the drama is most moving -- his enthusiasm and love of God is his great power as well as the foundation he lays with Scripture, both Old and New Testament - he actually brings to life all the characters so important to our heritage. He gets in his digs at modernism - "existentialist neurosis" in his talk "Psychoanalysis on it's Knees". "There can be no real brotherhood of man without a common fatherhood in heaven." --  how sin is always an abuse of freedom. Compares communism with our free way of life in "Freedom or License". Mentions his 26 years of teaching philosophy in a Catholic University -- how all sides of the question was understood and presented -- how professors today are only giving one side --atheism --they know nothing of the Christian philosophy.

 He did relate a cute story - and it is only a story as he has to stress, in illustrating examination of conscience. Several lumber jacks came into town; had been away from the Sacraments for some time. The first goes in without preparation and tells the priest he has done everything in the book. The priest asked him if he had committed murder. "No" -"Then go out and examine your conscience".  He leaves and called to the other men, "C'mon boys, he's only hearing murder cases tonight". 

His talk on the Mass is the greatest, "Drama with Three Acts", probably because of the desecrations today, it would seem so, and I can only wonder how many who call themselves "Catholic"would recognize their Faith with the ridiculous things they are accepting in its stead. On the Holy Eucharist - "If our Faith were strong we would feel more like crawling on our hands and knees to the altar rail". In ending: "Think what it would be like without the presence of God in our Churches - the lamp that is always burning before the Tabernacle enthroned on the altar - just meeting places - an empty tomb, an angel saying again: "He is not here". Amen to that - we're sure finding out the emptiness of everything today, but it is good to hear Truth in all its purity which it will always be irregardless of appearances. 

At least three of his talks are devoted to marriage and its problems: Lucifer is exposed in "The Hell There Is"; in fact, have never heard or read anything more complete on every phase of our belief. Every subject is treated so thoroughly there isn't a Catholic who could not benefit from such a deep study; would be wonderful for CCD, though it is an adult course and some parts may be handled a little too culturally, but even that could be good since education has fallen to exclude too much of things worth while. 

All for now,

Love, Mother


Lucifer and his demons suffered the greatest torments when they encountered the invincible Armor  of Truth, sanctity and the cross, particularly the symbol of their most crushing defeat at Calvary. Lucifer knows Truth; was so dismayed at all the treasures left in the Church for our salvation by our Divine Master and His Mother,  he didn’t see how he could possibly trick us into serving him. He had little success in the early Church. Christians were easily identified bearing the strong armor of God. But faith has grown cold throughout the centuries, Christendom split and torn asunder and now rent within the bosom of the Church because too many listened to his perversion of Truth, the snare that has been proven most successful.

It is in the realm of ideas that the devil uses his semantics. The first condition of charity is not to violate Truth, and charity cannot be the snare to surprise Faith into the support of error.  Our Catholic stand is absolute. Falsehood cannot be on the same level with Truth. Incompatibles cannot be reconciled; there is no alliance between light and darkness, and yet this is the paradox that exists in the Church today.

Christ defined and condemned coexistence: 
“You cannot have God and Mammon too.”  We cannot serve two masters. Just whom are we serving today?

There is only one voice that is ruling with its contradiction of Truth - that of the liberal Catholic. For a Catholic to be liberal is the greatest incongruity because liberalism has always been the implacable foe of the Church. It is the evil of all evils today, condemned by Pope Pius IX  in his “Syllabus of Errors” which crystallized all these errors and stamped them with the seal of explicit and formal condemnation of the Church. The Liberals were careful to “out-date” our past holy Popes. There is no contradiction in Papal Infallibility,  but rather a forging of a chain in all their pronouncements.

Liberalism reverses the order of Christian charity. The clergy, in turning their back on the Tabernacle, (the rites at the altar had always been most deferential in this respect) offended God for the love of neighbor (the great needs of the people): whereas, perfect Christian charity teachers, to offend our neighbor for the love of God is a true active charity; not to do so is sin. We have our Lord's consolation: "What can man do against you? Fear only him who can kill the soul." 

These changes were imposed on the faithful as being their most ardent desires. If so, why not all at once? Do we have to be conditioned for something that supposedly represents our fondest hopes? Now, much later of course, it is pointed out how wrong it is to turn our backs on the tabernacle, and the only solution is to relegate it to a side altar. Does anyone ever suggest that all things be restored in Christ, for Him, and with Him, instead of against Him? From there it is a simple matter to sweep him out with everything else that would distract from the cacaphony that has replaced the Sacred Rites of the Altar. 

To slay Christ effectively decrees again the slaughter of the innocents. Unless the integrity of the Faith is guarded within the home, our children will be lost. They are being indoctrinated with new catechisms that omit the 10 Commandments, minimize sin to a nil, omit the “sacrifice”  of the Mass, barely mention the word Catholic, with art that could do nothing but repel.

Are we serving God when His Authority is not being upheld? Why are there no thunderous Anathemas proclaimed against those flagrant ones who are defying the authority of the Church and perpetrating everything contrary to Truth, the Council and our Holy Father? Why is there such a Conspiracy of Silence on the part of our leaders that Truth is not defined, defended, and proclaimed as it always has been in the past? That is the real scandal. That no one is heard of protesting the “strange noises“ within the Church that sound more like 16th century  Protestantism with their downgrading of our Holy Truth and Mary. Even Protestants are better informed  today and are viewing us with scorn for our cowardly appeasement.

It is fantastic that Catholics could be forced into such apathy about Truth; could be made to believe it’s lines are indistinct; could accept  the regimentation that has replaced its freedom, and in light of God’s Truth could except the social doctrine that is propagated now.

Inflexible Catholicity was the only armor that could protect one from liberalism which was best guarded by isolation from all infection, persons,  and reading material which contains their insidious indoctrination and propaganda with which one is battered from all sides (including most of the Catholic press now.)

It is becoming increasingly dangerous to the integrity of the Faith, even Salvation, for a Catholic to place oneself in a position, such as Catholic Action, because all have consumed the deadly poison of liberalism, which in it’s very essence is Anti-Christ, Anti-Catholic. It is a wide road to perdition versus the narrow one of the cross.

Liberalism IS the “roaring lion“who is insidiously taking over the Citadel. It is challenging our Divine Master to drive out again those who have profaned His Holy Temple.

Written by Helen Howell (1966)


This is an excerpt from a letter Helen Howell wrote about her grandson Jerry. (October 29, 1966) 

Jerry, 11 years old, in the six grade, is a “chip off the old block”. It’s his first year at Cathedral and he is vigorously challenging the religious instructions given him by the new breed assistant there. He isn’t alone, others too. They have been told the only way our Lord’s name could be taken in vain was in perjury – blasphemous talk, cursing, etc., was not even a sin. Jerry took his mother’s adult confession book back to prove his wrongness, but of course, you know the answer to that – outdated. This week Jerry came out of school so exasperated he told his mother he was going to write the Pope, and he did as soon as he got home. Bud and Ruth corrected his spelling before he copied it in ink - however he added the P. S. with one misspelled word which they let go. Think it is pretty good – will quote:

His Holiness, Pope Paul VI
Vatican City, Italy. 

Your Holiness:

I am a six grade student at Cathedral school. I am confused and need some help. Father C. , the priest who teaches us in religion class has been confusing some of us. He’s been saying it isn’t a sin to curse and swear. He says it is only impolite language. He also said you can only take God‘s name in vain if you take some kind of an  oath to God to witness that you were telling the truth, and then lied. I have been taught different. I have seen books about this and they all say it is a sin to curse anytime and they give a lot of other ways of taking God‘s name in vain. The children in my class are getting worse in their talk, and any effort to correct them, they say it is alright because Father said so. When I bring books to school to show him he just insists that he is right and the book is old and it isn’t a sin anymore. I want to know the truth. 

Sincerely yours in Christ, 
Jerry Howell

 P. S. A copy of this letter will be sent to Eminence Alfredo Ottaviani 
Secretary for the Congregation  of the Holly Office

Jerry told his best friend about it, who in turn told others - guess it got back to the whole class, including the nuns and priest.